RPG: Metanoia is an upcoming Filipino computer-animated adventure film produced by Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation and ABS-CBN Film Productions Inc. Star Cinema. It is the Philippines' 1st full length 3D animated film. It is an official entry to the 2010 Metro Manila Film Festival.
Nico's (Zaijan Jaranilla) hundrum daily existence simply cannot compete with the fantasy life he leads in the world's most popular MMORPG-METANOIA! As the swashbuckling vagabond Zero. together with his friends: the spiritist Mang Ernie (Vhong Navarro), renegade chi-master K'mao, apprentice weapon-smith Sumpak, folk hero Ahdonis and the beast master Cassandra (Mika Dela Cruz), they explore Metanoia's vast virtual landscape in search of untold on-line fortune and glory!
When a malevolent force surfaces and threatens to consume everything they hold dear, the fate of two worlds fall upon the shoulder of one very unlikely champion. One who must first find way to burst out of his shell and discover the true hero within-before it's too lateHere's the Film official Trailer
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